Welcome to my "Happy Things" blog. Here I post any new jewelry items I've made
and share some of the 'happy things' I appreciate in daily life.
I hope you find something that brings a smile and please visit my online handmade jewelry shop
where my pieces are available:


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rainy Day

I don't know about where you are today ... but here in Central Ohio, it's a very rainy day. Unfortunately it's not the first or the last this week, as we're a bit "socked in" with this weather system. After dropping the kids off at school today, I was driving in a bit of a daze and noticed that at this point, there's no color left on any of the trees and we're pretty much down to sticks and branches ... and rain. Sheets and sheets of rain. At times, coming down with a vengeance. Accompanied by wind, the rain falls in a diagonal pattern in front of you, in your rear view mirror and pummeling you from above and the side, as you step out of the car arriving at your destination. "I just want to get home", I thought. But then - I thought of my earrings ...

"Stormy Night"
handcrafted metal, patina-finished earrings

... and I smiled. It's funny how you can extract an element from a situation and look at it completely differently. I created these earrings, seeing sheets of rain in the night - maybe out over the ocean. Mystical blues, depths and dimensions in a random, but very constant pattern, barraging down. Somehow now the driving diagonal persistent rains seem a bit exciting, maybe even adventurous!

I began integrating patinas and metal textures to create jewelry components, that sell to other jewelry makers through the lampwork glass artist I work with. The metals, textures and finishes complement her gorgeous lampwork beads wonderfully, adding a different "edge" that can easily be achieved in a look, by simply adding the metal to the design. Once I started making a few designs to stand alone as earrings, I've found that people find them quite unique and artistic, and the collection is going very well! I have a few patinaed earrings available in my online shop right now, as well as some available at the Powell, Ohio retail location Pink Flamingo's. I love something creative that's open to interpretation and a bit ambiguous ... I hope you enjoy the dimensions and colors too! And the next time you find yourself in a situation that seems dreary, squint your eyes and be creative ... you might find another exciting perspective!

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